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发表于 2010-6-17 02:39:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
市场细分(Market Segmentation):就是根据消费者需求的差异性,把消费者分成若干个群体,具有相同需求的顾客群体称为细分市场。希望公司根据需求的不同,把消费者划分为两个细分市场,即残疾儿童和发育正常的儿童。这两个细分市场符合了有效细分的要求:可衡量性、足量性、可接近性、差异性和行动可能性。
目标市场选定(Market Targeting):在这个案例中,希望公司更倾向于单细分市场目标,即其目标市场是残疾儿童,公司可能继续维护自己作为生产特别教育项目玩具和游戏用品的专业公司形象。一般来说,多细分市场目标与单细分市场目标相比,更能分散公司的风险。但是如果公司计划进入可能有消费潜力的正常儿童市场的话,一定要做好调研、试销等环节后,再做决定。如果调查的结果是可以进入该市场,那么考虑到公司原来产品在消费者心中与残疾儿童紧密联系的事实,可以考虑用副品牌进入,以防消费者产生概念混乱。
市场定位(Market Positioning):建立与传播该产品在市场上的关键特征与利益。希望公司将产品定位在帮助病儿发展以下五种技能和技巧:运动技能、视觉技能、听觉技能、言语技能和造句技巧。这就使希望公司产品在消费者心中占有的一个独特的、有价值的位置。公司应该坚持不懈的反复强调这个定位,并且进行令人信服的传播,取得品牌优势后再考虑进入其他的相关市场。
16.1.3 4Ps分析

(1) 如果希望公司在残疾儿童玩具市场上已经做的非常好,处于这个市场上的领先者地位,你觉得它可以进入正常儿童市场吗?
(2) 企业在制作广告的过程中,应该如何运用营销创新的原则来吸引消费者?
(3) 企业是否应该做一些公益广告来提升企业形象?
(4) 你认为希望公司现在的主要任务是什么?
(5) 你认为希望公司的销售渠道采用直销方式是最好的吗?
(6) 希望公司的直销方式对于产品、价格和促销手段都会产生什么影响?
当年建设者们在“备战、备荒、为人民”的号召下,从祖国的四面八方来到这里,经过几十年艰苦奋斗,把这个厂建设成了我国三大汽轮机制造厂之一。目前该企业已拥有固定资产3.24亿元,下设12个分厂,职工人数达7409人,各类技术人员达1700余人,拥有国内较强的专业技术力量。建厂以来已累计生产汽轮机217万台,总产值达10.7亿元,实现利润1.3亿元,向国家上交利税0.85 亿元。
16.2.1 SWOT分析
(1) 你觉得东方厂现在最大的问题是什么?
(2) 对东方厂来说,有没有必要做一些广告等促销活动,如果有,该怎么做?
(3) 目前,为了提高汽轮机的技术水平,东方厂应该怎样进行技术创新?
(1) 首先要识别公司竞争者。广义上说,只要是制造火腿肠的公司都是春都的竞争者,在这里春都的主要竞争者应该就是“郑荣”、“双汇”、“雨润”,他们都是实力比较强的企业。
(2) 辨别竞争对手的战略,由案例可知雨润采取的是“高质量”战略,而双汇采取的是“低价”策略。
(3) 在辨别清战略后,我们必须清楚竞争者的目标,确定每个竞争者在市场上追求什么?其行为动机是什么?在这里“雨润”投入巨资购进具有国际水平的生产设备和生产线,更把产品质量提高到了道德高度,提出了食品工业就是道德工业的观念,严守质量关,我们可以推测雨润的目标应该是不断的提高自己火腿肠的质量,确立雨润在消费者心目中的高质量形象,以质量取胜。而双汇的降价策略,有可能是为了满足不同收入水平的消费者的需要,或者本来就是为了引春都上当。
(4) 最后,评估竞争者的优势和劣势。雨润的优势是设备先进、研发能力强、铺货率高。劣势是成立时间短,可能在消费者心中的知名度和忠诚度还没有建立。双汇的优势是前身是肉联厂,对肉制品市场比较了解,进入火腿肠市场比较容易,也容易被消费者接受,劣势是进入火腿肠市场的时间不长,1992年才进入。在对竞争者的研究中,一般必须监控这样三个变量:市场份额、心理份额、情感份额。市场份额是指竞争者在相关市场上所拥有的销售份额情况。心理份额是指在回答“举出在这个行业中你首先想到的一家公司”这一问题时,提名竞争者的顾客在全部顾客中所占的百分比。情感份额是指在回答“举出你喜欢购买某产品的公司”这一问题时,提名竞争者的顾客在全部顾客中所占的百分比。在心理份额和情感份额方面稳步进取的公司最终将获得市场份额和利润。当然以上所有情况的获得,都是建立在大量客观信息的基础上的,因此信息的收集特别重要,信息的收集不但要准确,而且要及时,面对双汇的降价策略,春都采取的是不断的盲目跟进,而不是对双汇进行信息的收集,从而进行竞争者分析。等春都醒悟过来时,消费者已经不吃春都的火腿肠了。春都如果提前了解到竞争者双汇心理份额和情感份额的上升,找出原因,做到信息的收集及时、准确,对竞争者的分析细致入微,那么,作为行业领先者也不至于让双汇牵着鼻子走,最后落个一败涂地的下场。
(1) 你认为春都失败的最主要原因是什么?
(2) 春都在营销管理中存在哪些问题?
(3) 双汇能取得成功的原因都有哪些?
(4) 春都还可以卷土重来吗?如果可以,你有那些建议?
(5) 春都在品牌形象建设方面有哪些问题?
General Motors: Cadillac

When Executive Vice President Lloyd Reuss took his job as the head of all North American car operations for General Motors (GM) in February 1986
,he had a four-item list of goals. One of the four-clearly of the highest priority for GM concerned a single division, Cadillac. The words were strong and simple: "Restore Cadillac products and image to where they are the standard of the world." The task before Reuss was an ominous one. The U.S. auto market, General Motors, and Cadillac had all changed significantly since he joined GM in 1959. At that time, the U.S. market largely belonged to the "big three" domestic producers(GM 42 percent, Ford 28 percent, Chrysler 11 percent), and Cadillac was the "standard of the world." Now, 30 years later, things had changed. The three major domestic producers' market share has fallen to 67.8 percent, and Cadillac's share and reputation in the luxury market is being challenged not only by domestic competition but also by European and Asian competitors as well.

In order to analyze Cadillac's position in the market
Reuss must seek the answers to several questions. For example: Is it selling the right products? Are its products targeted at the right market? Does its image appeal to the buyers Cadillac seeks? Does Cadillac's advertising effectively reach the right market and convey Cadillac's desired image?
Cadillac Motor Car Division of General Motors got its start in 1899 as the Detroit Automobile Company and was renamed Cadillac in 1902. The car was named after the French adventurer who founded Detroit 200 years earlier. The force behind Cadillac's early years was Henry M. Leland operator of Leland & Faulconer Mfg.Co.a precision manufacturer of automotive components. Unlike Henry Ford, who once worked for Leland, Leland was not interested in building an "everyman's" car. Leland and his company were devoted to building the bestand "despite record production of 4307 vehicles in 1906Cadillac management disregarded the lure of volume sales and dedicated the company to making quality automobiles. This lost Cadillac its position as a high-volume producer,but led to engineering accomplishments that made Cadillac one of the leading fine-car manufacturers."
In 1909,Cadillac was purchased by the young General Motors Corporation. The Lelands, Henry and son Wilfred, stayed on to run Cadillac exactly as if it were their own. They did so until 1917 when they left to begin the Lincoln Motor Co. which was later sold to the Ford Motor Company.
The Lelands had left their impression on Cadillac. Their commitment to quality and innovation propelled Cadillac's status as the "standard of the world."Innovations that helped to build this reputation included the self-starter in 1912,America's first V-8 engine in 1914, synchromesh gear boxes, and safety glass as standard equipment in 1929-30. In those same years a V-12 and the world's first production V-16 automobile engine were offered. In the late 1930sas traditional coach building died outGM used the Fisher and Fleetwood names to maintain the quality image of its prestige models. In 1941 Cadillac was the second manufacturer to offer a fully automatic transmission. In the 1950s Cadillac styling reigned supreme in the art of tail fins. The 1960s brought longereven more powerful luxury carsand in 1966 Cadillac introduced its first front wheel drive(FWD) vehiclethe Eldoradoyears before FWD was offered by any of Cadillac's non-GM competitors.
Through the "longerlowerwider" years of the 1960s to late 1970sCadillac remained a distinguished luxury automobile. The Cadillac de Ville of the day weighed over 5,000
pounds,measured over 230 inches long, and was powered by an 8.2 liter engine. In comparison, the 1988 de Ville weighs only 3,437 pounds,is 196.5 inches long, and is powered by a V-8 engine that is 45 percent smaller than the 1976 model it replaces.
The trend toward smaller Cadillacs began in 1977,in reaction to the first oil embargo of 1973. The new de Villes and Fleetwoods were 8 to 12 inches shorter and averaged 950 pounds lighter than their 1976 counterparts. These models represented the first of the downsized Cadillacs. In 1979, the Eldorado received similar treatment. For 1979,the Eldorados were 20 inches shorter and 1,150 pounds lighter than the 1978 models. In 1985 and 1986, respectively, the de Villes and Eldorados underwent yet another round of downsizing to approximately the size they are today.
Cadillac customers are those who have demanded the best in traditional luxury cars. These traditional Cadillac consumers were most often professionals, above average in income and education,and in recent years an average of 58 years of age. These Cadillac buyers had also been accustomed to buying the biggest and most powerful. This,however,had begun to change over the course of the 1970s and 80s.
In an effort to appeal to the younger upscale consumers who were not a part of the traditional Cadillac market,GM offered a new Cadillac in the 1970s.In May 1975, the Sevile was a smaller,international-size Cadillac. Featuring a fuel-injected 5.7 liter V-8 as standard equipment along with a long list of other featuresthe Seville was one of the most well-equipped cars in the world. In 1981GM introduced the smallest Cadillac ever the Cimarron. Built on the "J" chassis shared by the Chevy Cavalier and Pontiac 2000, the Cimarron was introduced to take on the small "near luxury" imports such as the BMW 320 and later 325i. In 1985, the standard Cadillac, the Sedan de Ville/Coupe de Ville, was thoroughly redesigned. The de Ville series was shortened and placed on a front-wheel-drive chassis shared with the Buick Electra and the Oldsmobile98.(Sharing the chassis,or platform,among car divisions is a common automotive industry practice, particularly among U.S. manufacturers. Henry M. Leland recognized that this sharing of parts, or what he referred to as the "true interchangeability of parts," was the key to a great future for the automotive industry.) In 1986, in a further attempt to appeal to the younger and the more functional-demanding customers, Cadillac began offering a functional luxury version to its de Ville series, the Touring Sedan. The Touring black well performance tires on 15-inch aluminum alloy wheels, higher spring rates, and faster ratio steering.
In 1986, Cadillac downsized its Eldorado and Seville(the Seville had grown larger from the 1979 model to the 1980 model year) models back to the international size. These two Cadillacs continue to share common plat- forms with Oldsmobile and Buick models.
Speaking of the 1986 Eldorado/Seville(E/S) models,Braz Pryor,Cadillac's general sales manager,says,"We[are] after a contemporary statement with international appeal for buyers young and old who want the luxury of a Cadillac in a more personal package." GM's director of design, Chuck Jordan, calls the fourth-generation Eldorado "Cadillac's youthful sporty car," adding that" sporty elegance was the design theme." Peter Levin,k director of special marketing projects at Cadillac,offered some pertinent insights about the basic market philosophy behind the E/S models when he said,"Today,we're going through a revolution in customer expectations. We're after buyers of a certain mindset....The challenge we gave our engineers was to create vehicles that were more responsive and refined but still retained out- standing comfort,because our buyers demand it."
The 1987 model year Cadillac debuted one of its most unique automobiles,the Allante. The Allante,a two-seat,coupe/convertible,is built on a shortened Eldorado/Seville chassis that is assembled and mated in the United States to bodies and interiors that arrive twice weekly, via 747 cargo jets, from their designer/manufacturer, Pininfarina,in Italy. The Allante assumes the position as the flagship model in the Cadillac line. With a 1988 base price of $57,183 and limited to a supply of 6,000 units,it is the most expensive as well as one of the most exclusive Cadillacs ever produced.
Implementing this new strategy and striving to regain the aura of quality,technology,and exclusivity now associated with European luxury cars is not an easy task. John Grettenberger,Cadillac's general manager states,"We have to be very careful that we offer the right balance. If you go too far in either directiona manufacturer like Cadillac could lose on either end of the spectrum. If we go too far in the high-tech directionwe could turn off some of our traditional buyersbut if we stick where we are then we won't appeal to the younger ones."
To help achieve Cadillac's strategy of maintaining the traditionalas well as capturing new customers Cadillac's 1987 advertising emphasized the "Spirit of Cadillac." All Cadillac models shared a number of common themes including: making an "eloquent design statement" providing customers "worldwide Cadillac exclusives"(e.g. transverse-mounted V-8 engine) balanced performancea commitment to securityand "the ultimate comfort: peace of mind" via" quality craftsmanship" and extensive warranties.
From this common basis each Cadillac model has its own individual spirit. For example the Allante is the "new spirit of Cadillac." The Allante was positioned to create a new class of performance that merges European road manners with Cadillac comfort and convenience. The Sedan de Ville and Coupe de Ville are Cadillac's "contemporary spirits representing Cadillac's belief that today's luxury cars should reflect today's values." The Fleetwood d' Elegance and Fleetwood Sixty Special are the "sophisticated spirits" of Cadillac. The d 'Elegance's formal Cabriolet roof and opera lamps and the Sixty Special's five-inch extended wheel-base make these the most luxurious of the Cadillac "C-bodies"( chassis shared with the de VilleBuick Electraand Olds 98).Eldorado is the "driving spirit" while the Sevilles is the "elegant spirit." Sharing the same chassisthe Eldorado is a two-door coupe with a suspension system that delivers control with a minimum of body roll and swaywhile the Seville is a four-door sedan that emphasizes supreme comfort and an exceptional array of standard luxury features. The Brougham d' Elegance is the "classic spirit" for this large,rear-wheel-drive Cadillac. It is a carryover from the model that the "C-body" cars were to have replaced. Because it and its competitor,the Lincoln Town Car,are in high demand,the Brougham has lived three years past its originally scheduled termination and will likely live on until the early 1990s. Last and certainly least in term of size is the "sporty spirit" of Cadillac,the Cimarron. In 1988,the Cimarron was discontinued due to poor sales. In 1988,the spirit theme of Cadillac was also discontinued.
In all of 1987,Cadillac spent $35,334,300 on TV advertising to promote the "spirit of Cadillac," a 32.5 percent increase from the previous year. HoweverBMW's TV total was $45498700and start-up Acura was almost even with Cadillac at $34478500. Cadillac's TV budget in 1988 increased to $54,126,200.
Cadillac is GM's luxury market division. In 1986Cadillac was positioned as the highest-priced divisionoffering the consumer automobiles that are conservative but not far from an even split between conservative and aggressiveand family and personal orientations. GM's goals for the 1988-89 model year show Cadillac maintaining its basic position except in terms of price, where it continues to move further upscale. According to General Manager Grettenberger," Our vision is to move every Cadillac upscale in terms of its expressiveness,image,distinctiveness,and overall content. I don't see us having a sale-weighted average of $43,000-44,000 like Mercedes-Benz. But I would like to see Cadillacs move upscale." Cadillac's 1989 model line ranges in price from approximately $25,000 for a Coupe de Ville, $26,000 for the Brougham,and $30,000-34,000 for the Fleetwood. The Eldorado begins at about $27,000 while the Seville begins at $30,000. The Allante isof coursethe high-price leader at $57183.
  The Problem
Throughout most of its existence, Cadillac has been synonymous with the finest in luxury automobiles. In the early years under the Leland family's leadershipthe company won the Dewar Trophy from the Royal Automobile Club. Cadillac not only won this coveted prize for engineering excellence and innovation once, but also was the only car company to do it twice.
After the Lelands left,and for quite some time,Cadillac managed to keep its eye trained on building the best luxury cars possible.
By the 1978 model year, Cadillac sales had hit an all-time record of 350,813 units. At that time and as recently as 1983Cadillac accounted for over one-third of all luxury car sales. In 1987 Cadillac made up less than one-quarter of all such sales. Models that had been previously very popular were selling poorly. In 1985 the Eldorado and Seville had sales of 66,863 and 32,986,respectively. During the following year,the smaller,redesigned models sold only 45 percent of the 1985 models they replaced: 1987 sales fared somewhat worse. Sales of the exclusive Allante have also been disappointing. The two-door coupe/convertible was expected to be a sellout its first year at 6,000 units,but by year's end the Allante tallied just over 2,500 units.
According to the automotive research company J.D. Powers and Associates, Mercedes- Benz owners rated their cars and dealer service higher than Cadillac owners did when asked to rate the level of satisfaction of vehicle ownership and dealer service.
What's more important to Cadillac and to Reussexecutive vice president of North American car operationswas the division's steadily declining reputation for luxury car excellence. On the surface the cause for the decline was multifaceted. FirstCadillac suffered from what the press called "look-alike cars."The Cadillac de Villes and Fleetwoods looked like Buick Electras and Oldsmobile Ninety Eights. This perception was even played up in a LincolnTown Car television commercial where Cadillac Buickand Olds owners can't tell their cars apart at a restaurant when the valets bring the three cars forward.Concedes one GM man" Cadillacone could sayis selling 300000 Buicks."
Cadillac innovation in the late 1970s and early 1980s was also a cause for concern. The availability of a V-8 diesel engine,manufactured from a modified gasoline engine,was discontinued when its reliability proved disastrous. This same scenario played a second time,and in the same time period,with Cadillac's exclusive multidisplacement engine. The engine was programmed to run on 8,6,or 4 cylinders depending on engine load demand. However, as with the diesel,lack of reliability killed the innovative engine.
On September 271988consumer activist Ralph Nader issued a report called "Cadillac-The Heartbreak of America." According to Nader"This re- port was written because of the large volume of mail we have received from indignant Cadillac purchasers who expect better quality from a $25000 investment." GM called the Nader document outdated, unfair, and inaccurate.
As Reuss looks over these problems and othershis task appears not to be an easy one. Could the quality and design of Cadillac's cars be the sole cause of the division's problems Maybe advertising and imaging are being directed at the wrong customeror perhaps the division has lost sight of just who the Cadillac customer is. Seeing the result of the problems may be easy,but finding solutions to their causes will be the real test to restoring Cadillac as the standard of the world.
在1987年,凯迪拉克在电视广告中投资了35,334,300美元,比1986年增加了32.5%,但是和宝马的45,498,700美元相比,只占宝马的77.7%。在1988年,凯迪拉克的广告费增长到了54,126,200美元,比1987年增加了53.2%。这说明前几年凯迪拉克在广告方面的投入是不足的,但是这几年已经引起了重视,广告费用每年都在增加。广告是公司用以对目标顾客和公众进行直接说服的主要传播工具之一,它可以起到通知、说服和提醒的作用, 可以提高和保持产品知名度和市场占有率, 增加广告投入是提高广告效果的一个方面, 但是,首先一定要确定广告目标, 这些目标必须服从先前制定的汽车目标市场、汽车市场定位和汽车营销组合等决策。
(1) 做好细致的市场调研,找出销量下降的真正原因,这是解决问题的根本依据。
(2) 加强售后服务,可以提高顾客的满意度,解除他们的后顾之忧,并且对企业的长远发展也有不可估量的好处。汽车产品被售出只是实现了自身价值的第一次竞争,售后服务将是第二次竞争。在汽车产品趋同的情况下,售后服务成了客户决定取舍的重要依据,也是企业之间相互竞争的关键环节。从心理需求看,消费者需要被重视、被尊重,这需要经营者提供主动、热情、耐心、诚恳的售后服务来满足消费者的这种需求。
(3) 与相关媒体搞好关系,当问题出现时,应该在媒体报道出来之前及时解决。因为媒体对消费者的影响力非常大,特别是一些负面的报道,有时甚至可能淘汰一个企业。
(4) 针对调研中目标市场的偏好,对现有产品进行创新,但一定要保证产品的安全性。
Ford: Lincoln
Current Environmental Factors
Throughout the 1950s and 1960swhile energy was plentiful and inexpensiveAmerican car manufacturers enjoyed great success building cars that were large and powerful. During the 1970s, energy prices increased-the product of temporary shortages in the supply of oil. As a result, import manufacturers, many of which were building small, fuel-efficient automobiles, were in prime position to take advantage of the situation. With the influx of these fuel-thrifty importsthe domestic portion of the U.S. automobile market began to shrink from approximately 96.5 percent in 1957 to 85 percent in 1973to 77 percent in 1979and finally to approximately 68 percent in 1987. Most of these imports were coming from Japan (Toyota,Nissan,Honda,etc.), now the worlds largest producer of motor vehicles.
Western European countries also have been major suppliers of auto- mobiles to the U.S. market. Makers such as VolkswagenMercedes-Benz.and BMW from West Germany; Volvo and Saab from Sweden; to a lesser degreePeugeot and Renault from France; andsporadically FiatLanciaand Alfa Romeo from Italy. Also,during the 1980s the Yugoslavians (Yugo) and the Koreans (Hyundai and partnerships through Ford and GM) began exporting cars to the United States.
Throughout the energy shortage and until the mid-1980sthe Japanese enjoyed favorable yen/dollar exchange rates and werethereforein large part able to offer vehicles that cost less than comparable U.S. or West European products. The Japanese manufacturers also had significant success in producing these small,fuel-efficient automobiles with high quality. Howeverthe U.S. government pressured by GM Ford and Chrysler imposed a "voluntary restraint" or quotaon the number of Japanese cars which could be exported to the United States. With this quota and with the appreciation of the yenwhich occurred in the mid- to late-1980s. Japanese manufacturers began to lose their ability to sell large volumes of small cars and still make desirable profit margins. These factors began to force the Japanese to adjust their product mix to include a greater percentage of the more profitable largerupscaleand specialty automobiles.
While the Japanese first concentrated on smallfuel-efficient carsthe European car manufacturers with Volkswagen as the possible exceptionhave targeted distinct market niches. Mercedes-BenzBMWAudi Saaband Volvo have allto varying degreesconcentrated on the upper segments of the market. The Koreans and Yugoslavians have targeted the low-end market and,due to the strength of the Japanese yen against the U.S. dollar and other currencies, have replaced Japan as the low-cost automotive exporters to the U.S. market.
In response to the high cost of fuel in the mid-1970sthe U.S. big three began to downsize their products and increase the number of small and fuel-efficient models. As a resultcars in the 1980s are generally smaller and more fuel-efficient than earlier models. However, when fuel prices in the mid-to late-1980s stabilized, manufacturers began to build and consumers began to purchase the larger and more powerful models as they had in previous years. These cars were,however, still more efficient than the vehicles of the 1960s.
Car sales are a function of the economy. When work forces are employed and the economic outlook is favorablesales will more than likely be healthy. If gasoline prices are perceived as high or not stablesales of smallfuel-efficient vehicles will rise. In the mid-80s during a period of high interest rates and a slow economydomestic automobile manufacturers offered large cash rebates and attractive low-interest financing (as low as 0 percent on a 24-month term by American Motors) to spur sales. During this periodwhen customers shoppedthey not only shopped for the best model but for the best sale incentive.
Traditional versus Functional Luxury
The U.S. luxury car market can be classified into two segments. traditional and functional. U.S. manufacturers have typically produced entries to the traditional segment. and the Europeans, the functional segment. Traditional luxury cars have been represented primarily by Cadillacs and Lincolns in the first tier and Oldsmobile,Buick,Mercury, and Chrysler in the second. The functional luxury cars of Europe' were primarily made up of Germany's Mercedes-Benz. BMW and Audi; Britain's Rolls-Royce and Jaguar ; and certain models of Sweden's Saab and Volvo.
Traditional luxury cars strive to make the driving experiences as effortless as possible. This has been accomplished by providing passengers with plush, living-room-style interiors and rides so smooth that Mercury commercials of the mid-1970s boasted that a Cartier jeweler could flawlessly cut a diamond while riding in the back seat of a Mercury luxury car. The functional luxury car, on the other hand, attempts to put the driver in touch with the road via steering and suspension systems that inform the driver of the immediate environment.
Throughout Lincoln's history, the division has had a variety of competitive products to contend with. In the 1930s,brands such as Packard, Pierce-Arrow,Auburn, Cord, Imperial, and Lincoln were vying for a piece of the luxury car market. By the early 1960s, most of these great marques had become memories, with only GM's Cadillac division and Chrysler's Imperial (until 1985) left to offer a measurable amount of domestic competition.
,Ford's Lincoln wasn't far behind as Cadillac plotted its strategy for the luxury car market. In 1979, the Town Car/Coupe, Lincoln's equivalent to the de Ville,was downsized to dimensions similar to the Cadillac. In that same year, the Mark V, competitor to the Eldorado,was also downsized. The new Mark VI (each new design of the Mark series advances one Roman numeral) in fact shared the same platform as the Town Car; therefore,it shared similar overall dimensions and was now for the first time available with four doors. In 1982,Lincoln introduced the Continental,the replacement for the poor- selling Versailles. Both cars were direct competition to Cadillac's Seville and attempted to emulate virtues of the Seville. The new Continental went so far as to borrow certain styling cues from the Seville, Particularly the "bustle" style trunk.
In 1984, Lincoln's strategy began to change. This year Lincoln introduced the Mark VII. No longer built off the Town Car/Coupe chassis, the Mark VII was back to purely a two-door body style and offered two distinct versions: the traditional luxury model based on the
Designer Series,and the functional luxury model-the LSC. The Mark VIIs used a newly developed air suspension system not found in any other car in the United States. The LSC version came with upgraded sport-oriented appointments such as European-style seats and a firmer version of the air suspension. Over the following years,a tachometer and a higher- output engine were also added to the LSC to increase its functional appeal.
In 1988, Lincoln introduced an all new design for the Continental. Borrowing heavily on the functional theme of the Mark VII LSC,the earlier to emulate it. According to Maryann N.Keller,auto- motive industry analyst and vice president of the New York brokerage firm Furman,Selz,Mager,Deltz and Birney,"...Lincoln's new Continental, priced just under $30,000,is demonstrating that an American car maker can produce an automobile that combines appealing features from two continents[Europe and North America].The body style and interior appointments have a definite European flavor. The size and generous complement of creature comforts are distinctly American. Though it could use a more powerful engine,the Continental signals Ford's arrival as a real challenger in the functional luxury car market."
Foreign Competition-European
As Cadillac moved through the 1960s and 70s,the European luxury cars were emerging as serious alternative types of luxury automobiles. Rolls-Royce of England,long recognized as providing expensive,hand- built luxury cars, was never a Cadillac alternative. Mercedes-Benz, however, was a different kind of luxury car. If
Cadillacs were as plush as fine living rooms,the Mercedes-Benz was as functional as a well- appointed study. The Mercedes-Benz mission was not to surround the driver or passengers in cushions of soft velour or provide them with a silky smooth ride, but to provide firm,supportive seating and a con- trolled ride in an automobile engineered for traveling at high speeds on the German autobahn.
The heritage of today's Merceds-benz can be traced back to 1885 and the streets of Mannheim,Germany. It was then that Carl Friedrich Benz produced the world's first motor car. While others had pioneered and patented the gas engine,Benz applied it to a passenger-carrying vehicle.
Since the very beginning,Mercedes-Benz has stood for solid engineering. All of the company's automobiles are targeted to various price points in the functional luxury segment. While a $30,980 entry- level 190-D 2.5 model may share components with the top-of-the-line $79,840 560-SEC, there are no other "lesser" divisions that might require Mercedes-Benz components. This also affords Mercedes-Benz the luxury of maintaining a single automobile focus. However, the company is also one of the world's largest medium- and heavy-duty truck manufacturers.
As the 1970s progressed and the 1980s approached, additional European manufacturers began to market their products in the functional luxury segment. Bavarian Motor Works (BMW) of West Germany moved from exporting primarily two-door sports coupes to vehicles similar to Mercedes-Benz. BMW's strategy differed from Mercedes in that BMW catered even more so to the sport-oriented functional luxury buyer. The BMW product offerings begin with the small two- and four-door 3 series, the four-door midsize 5 series, large four-door 7 series, and the two- door 6 series. Over the past few years,BMW has broadened its product offering by introducing the previously mentioned 3 series four-door. The all new 1987 BMW 7 series includes a replacement for the 1986 735i model as well as an all-new model for 1988,the 750iL. The 750iL is the largest, and at $70,000 the most expensive, sedan than the 735i and is the only five-passenger sedan in the world to offer a 12-cylinder engine.
As the functional luxury market has developedMercedes-Benz has also become considered by many to be the ultimate car in the luxury market.(However it is recently being challenged by BMW.) The Mercedes-Benz line is similar to that of the BMW. The 190 Class is similar in size to the BMW 3 seriesthe 300 Class the 5 seriesand the S Class the 7 series. Mercedes-Benz also offers various two-door coupe and convertible models. In 1987the combined U.S. sales of Mercedes-Benz and BMW reached approximately 178000 vehiclesover half of Cadillac's current volume.
The third German player in the luxury car market is Audi. Audi reached an all-time-high U.S. sales volume of over 74,000 units in 1985 due in large part to the sleekly styled 5000 series(48,057 units). The size of a mid-Mercedes and BMW offering, the 5000 was priced lower and could be purchased with one of the first applications of four- wheel drive in a passenger car. Howeverin 1986under reports that 5000s equipped with automatic transmissions could unintentionally accelerate sales began to slide. In 1987, sales were off 44.2 percent from just two years earlier.
For the 1988 model yearin an effort to restore Audi's presence in the luxury car market the company introduced an all new replacement for the 4000 seriesnow dubbed the 80(as it is in Europe). For the 1989 model year, the Audi 5000 has been
as the Audi 100 and 200(depending on engine size).The 100 and 200 models do not differ from the 5000 series before them in exterior appearance. However the interior has been redesignedand the Audi engineers are quick to point out the new engineering developments that differentiate the 100/200 Audis from the old 5000 series.
Foreign Competition-Japanese
The mid- to late- 1980s have been accompanied by generally stable fuel costs. As a result, manufacturers are again offering larger models and more powerful engines. In addition, the late 1980s has also included a weaker dollar against other Western currencies such as the West German mark and the Japanese yen. A weak dollar makes buying West German or Japanese imports more expensive. In an effort to maintain acceptable margins on their automobiles, many of the foreign manufacturers have raised prices. This upscale movement in prices by these manufacturers is accompanied. in many cases, by efforts to market models that are also further upscale in class and content.
In the late 1980s, a strong Japanese yen helped create a situation in which the Japanese were no longer the low-cost producers. No longer were the Japanese able to build entry-level cars and price them as competitively against domestic,Korean, and Yugoslavian entries as they had in previous years. The Japanese, unable to make their desired profit margins on these vehicles, began to expand their product line upward to include a greater proportion of compact and midsize cars. These cars include larger models of Honda AccordToyota Camry and Cressida and Nissan Maxima.
Watching the Germans move further upscale in image and in price, Honda saw an opportunity to provide European-style functional luxury cars,but at the price of traditional domestic luxury models. Acura also places emphasis on dealer service. In combination with product quality, dealer service accounted for the number one rating in the 1988 J.D. Powers Consumer Satisfaction Index.
Acura, and other soon-to-be-released Japanese luxury cars from Toyota (Lexus) and Nissan(Infiniti), hope to appeal to those import buyers that have bought non-luxury imports in the past and now want to move upscale but maintain certain import virtues. Acura models include the midsize Legend. The Legend comes well equipped with four -wheel power disc brakes, air conditioning, power door locks and windows, and stereo radio with cassette tape deck-all standard. Like the European functional luxury cars, Acura also pays special attention to the vehicle's handing and performance. To that end, the Legend carries a high-tech racing-bred multivalve V-6 engine and a suspension not found in any other Honda vehicle. Of the Acura Legend, automotive analyst Maryann N. Keller said,"In less than three years, Honda's Acura division will surpass the magic 100,000-unit mark, which means it will outsell every high-priced European brand in the market." Hans Jordan, head of U.S. marketing for Mercedes-Benz,says,"Acura is a legitimate contender in the $20,000 to $30,000 price range."

As Acura continues to establish itself in the U.S. luxury car market
, Toyota and Nissan are in the process of launching their own luxury car divisions: Lexus and Infiniti, respectively. These new offerings will follow Acura's lead by initially introducing two products for each of the new divisions and selling them only in dealerships dedicated to that division. Acura, Lexus, and Infiniti will not share facilities with the lesser Hondas, Toyotas, or Nissans as Lincoln does with Mercury or as Cadillac is allowed with other GM divisions. The Lexus and Infiniti models will also follow Acura by offering a high degree of Lexus/Infiniti "only" content and distinct styling not to be shared by Toyotas or Nissans.
Lexus 'initial offering in 1990 will be an all new sedan with a modern multivalve V-8.According to Automobile Magazine, the Lexus LS 400"is a large,roomy,rather conservatively styled four- door sedan that appears to be an amalgam of BMW and Mercedes-Benz design cues, given an American spin with a Cadillacesque egg-crate grille, Detroit-style wood trim, and wrinkled leather upholstery. Its drag coefficient makes it the slipperiest of production sedans, and its four-liter, four-cam, 250-horsepower V-8 engine will push that slippery shape through the air at speeds guaranteed to keep Mercedes- Benz,BMW,and Jaguar engineers working late for the next decade or so." The LS 400 is expected to be priced at approximately $35,000,roughly half of a comparable-size Mercedes-Benz or BMW.
Lexus will also introduce a midsize sedan derived from an existing Toyota,the midsize Camry. The ES250 will be powered by a high-tech multi- valve V-6 similar to the Acura Legend. A year later, Lexus will debut a new coupe model.
Nissan's Infiniti brand will be introduced at roughly the same ties as the Lexus. The introduction of the Infiniti brand will begin with a large sedan similar to the Lexus LS 400. The Infiniti Q45 will be powered by a 4.5 liter V-8 and sell for approximately $35,000. Commenting on the image intentions of the sedan, Takashi Oka, senior project manager of the Q45,said,"We want to create a new definition of luxury and establish an international image beyond that of BMW and Mercedes." The Q45 will be joined at introduction with a smaller, less expensive two-door model based on the Japanese market Nissan Leopard. The new coupe will be powered by a multi-valve V-6 and sell for around $25,000. A third model will join the Infiniti brand in 1991. A multivalve V-6 powered midsize sedan, based on the Nissan Maxima, will go head-to- head with the Lexus ES250 as well as the Acura Legend.
Both Lexus and Infiniti have targeted to sell approximately 100,000 units each when the full range of models is available. This contrasts to Acura's estimated sales of 300,000-400,000 by the mid-1990s.
优势:林肯车是传统豪华轿车在一级市场的代表,具有品牌优势,并且福特的其它品牌如水星等也都具有良好的性能,这也可以提升福特林肯品牌在消费者心目中的形象和品牌价值。1979年林肯的Town Car 开始缩小尺寸、林肯的Mark VⅠ第一次提供四门车,1984年,林肯引进了Mark VⅡ,回归到完全二门的样式并且装置了新发展的悬挂系统,这一系统在美国其它任何一家的车上都没有发现,并且林肯的Continental综合了欧洲风味和美国特色。
(1) 做细致的市场调研,掌握及时、准确的市场资料。林肯面对的是不断变化的竞争和市场,为了更好的了解企业本身和竞争者,为了使企业取得更好的发展并适应环境,林肯必须通过市场调研和预测掌握市场走势,并从中寻找机会,避开和减少风险。
(2) 作为传统型豪华车在一级市场的主要代表,在进入功能型豪华车市场时,定价也是一个重要的方面,林肯应该综合运用需求导向定价法和竞争导向定价法。根据消费者对林肯功能型豪华车所感受的价值水平和竞争对手产品的品质和价格来进行综合评定,然后确定林肯功能型豪华车的价格。不要一味的追求销量而定低价,更不要像中国的红旗轿车一样,由尊贵的品牌变成了一般品牌。
(3) 利用美国政府对进口日本汽车数量进行限制的这段时间,做好竞争者分析和本企业战略的调整。日本汽车的小型、节能优势是个不容忽视的威胁,决不能有轻敌思想。
(1) 你以为林肯是否应该进入功能型轿车市场?
(2) 作为传统型豪华车的制造者,林肯在进入功能型轿车时,可能会遇到哪些问题,应该注意哪些事项?
(3) 在广告方面,林肯应该注意突出什么?


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