教师点评赛马机制 |
The Horse Race Mechanism Focused on talent identification, the traditional horse-discover mechanism calls for the leaders’ insight. There are several problems in such mechanism. For the swift horses (talents), they are relatively passive since their fate depends on the leaders’ insight. Without leaders’ discovery and correct identification, they might be misery for their whole life. For the leaders, their correct identification is limited and couldn’t be guaranteed. For the swift horse (talent) selection mechanism itself, the best horse (talent) may not be satisfying considering different situation. The essence of Haier’s horse race mechanism is different from the others in the aspect that the swift horses (talents) themselves are the masters of their fate. Given transparent, equal and just horse race system, the swift horse will show himself among thousands of candidates.
The horse race mechanism includes the following management principles:
From the perspective of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs Theory, esteem need of the employee is satisfied, and the self-value is realized.
From the perspective of Expectancy Theory, the horse race mechanism used by Haier provides every employee the chance to become an excellent employee or superior manager (once clarified the suitable position in the enterprise, one can satisfy their own need through hard working). Meanwhile, by providing equal competition chance, the horse race mechanism upgrades employees’ expectation value, which fully represents the relationship between reward and satisfaction of individual goal.
From the perspective of Reinforcement Theory, the horse race mechanism is such a positive reinforcement method which enables the talents to achieve the position he desires.
From the perspective of Equity Theory, horse race mechanism provides fair competition which make the employees of Haier find the reward just and rational in compare with their contribution to the enterprise. As long as you have the ability, Haier will provide you the way to success. It is such fair motivation that makes the Haier employees satisfied and great-hearted.
Therefore, the horse rise mechanism resembles a talent producer which could automatically produce talents. In this mechanism, the main responsibility for a manager is not to discover talent but to establish a mechanism which could discover talent itself. Such mechanism could ceaselessly produce talents. This makes it more important than any talent finder.
赛马机制 传统的相马机制,是等待领导慧眼识人才。这种机制的主要问题有:一是对于千里马来讲,命运掌握在别人手中,十分被动,人才需要等待伯乐来识别,如没被伯乐相中,弄不好将碌碌无为一生;二是伯乐对人才的识别有局限性,谁又能保证伯乐一定能选中最好的马呢?三是假如伯乐总能选中最好的马,但是不是这匹马就是最合适的呢?海尔的赛马则不同,它与相马有本质的区别,千里马的命运掌握在自己手中,管理者作为伯乐,只要建立一个公开、公平和公正的赛马制度,“千里马”就能够在万马奔腾中脱颖而出。